Many of us who want a career change are stuck in the busyness and autopilot of a full-time job that is making it hard to think straight. When you feel stuck like this, it is very difficult to separate what you really want in life, from what others expect of you or what your current job role continues to dictate.
That’s why clarity about your next career move often only comes when you stop and carve out intentional time to reflect, meditate, journal, and discuss with others what your goals and dreams are for the future. If that means taking a sabbatical, taking some holiday time, or going on leave for a while to seek counsel on your next steps, then so be it. It is worth it.
Yes, there is a financial cost to slowing down and taking a break, but think about what you are gaining! You are investing in your career future and in a life of intention and purpose, and that’s something beyond financial rewards.
So if you are working full-time and feel confused about making a career change, my advice is this: take the space you need to reflect on your career. You’ll be glad you did!